About Us

Welcome to Pet Bath USA


Self-service tubs are open

Tuesday through Saturday

8:00 am to 4:00 pm to serve you.


It is on a first come first serve basis.


Customers need to be in the door by 4 pm


We go home as soon  after 4 pm  when all pets are gone.


We provide shampoo and towels.


We do NOT provide brushes, combs or other tools.




 While we do take walk-ins when available,

it is best to have an appointment for Professional Grooming.


Appointments are between 8:00 am until 2:00 pm.  We close when we are done.


 Ask about our Special pricing for pets that come in on a regular basis; weekly, bi-weekly, or every 3 weeks.


  • 2025 We will be CLOSED Friday July 4 and then Thanksgiving weekend November 27th thru December 2nd
  • We will be CLOSED Thursday Christmas Day December 25th. Closed New Year’s January 1st
Pet Bath crew

Groomers Rose and Cesar, Groomer Assistant Esther

and owner Sharon

Self Service tubs accommodate all sizes.

Self Service Tubs

We can color any white dog to match the holidays, sporting team and special occasions, etc.
